1997-2001 Honda CR250 – Top End Service – Part 3: Piston Removal

1997 - 2001 Honda CR250 - Top End Service - Part 3 - Piston Removal

How To Remove The Piston On Your 97 -01 Honda CR250

1997 - 2001 Honda CR250 - Top End Service - Part 3 - Piston Removal

The Tools You Will Need

Pre-Service Notes

  • Start with the piston rotated to top dead center.
  • I recommend opening the Service & Torque Specs in a new tab for easy reference.
  • If you need parts and tools, make sure to buy them here! → https://amzn.to/4h4lDKq
  • Pictures with captions are after the steps below.
  • If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask!

Check Piston Connection

  1. Before removing the piston, test the condition of the connecting rod opening, needle bearing, and wrist pin.
  2. Grip the connecting rod with one hand, and try to rock, not slide, the piston side to side.
  3. If there is any play in the piston connection, you already know something is out of spec.
  4. Remove the pin clips with a pick and safety glasses because they might go flying.
  5. Assemble your wrist pin removal tool and press the pin from the cylinder.
  6. Remove the needle bearing, and wrap your connecting rod with a clean shop towel.
Grip the connecting rod with one hand, and try to rock, not slide, the piston side to side.
Grip the connecting rod with one hand, and try to rock, not slide, the piston side to side.
If there is any play in the piston connection, you already know something is out of spec.
If there is any play in the piston connection, you already know something is out of spec.
Remove the pin clips with a pick and safety glasses, because they might go flying.
Remove the pin clips with a pick and safety glasses because they might go flying.
Assemble your wrist pin removal tool, and press the pin out of the cylinder.
Assemble your wrist pin removal tool, and press the pin out of the cylinder.

1997 - 2001 Honda CR250 - Top End Service - Part 3 - Piston Removal - Press Pin1997 - 2001 Honda CR250 - Top End Service - Part 3 - Piston Removal - Pin Removed

Remove the needle bearing, and wrap your connecting rod with a clean shop towel.
Remove the needle bearing, and wrap your connecting rod with a clean shop towel.

Top End Service - Part 3 - Piston Removal - Wrap Conecting Rod← Part 2: Cylinder Removal

Part 4: Exhaust Valve Removal →

Keep Your ’97-’01 CR250 Running Right!

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