How To Remove The Piston On Your 97 -01 Honda CR250
The Tools You Will Need
- Piston Pin Puller →
- Small Pick
- Shop Towel
Pre-Service Notes
- Start with the piston rotated to top dead center.
- I recommend opening the Service & Torque Specs in a new tab for easy reference.
- If you need parts and tools, make sure to buy them here! →
- Pictures with captions are after the steps below.
- If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask!
Check Piston Connection
- Before removing the piston, test the condition of the connecting rod opening, needle bearing, and wrist pin.
- Grip the connecting rod with one hand, and try to rock, not slide, the piston side to side.
- If there is any play in the piston connection, you already know something is out of spec.
- Remove the pin clips with a pick and safety glasses because they might go flying.
- Assemble your wrist pin removal tool and press the pin from the cylinder.
- Remove the needle bearing, and wrap your connecting rod with a clean shop towel.

Part 4: Exhaust Valve Removal →
Keep Your ’97-’01 CR250 Running Right!