1997-2000 Honda CR250 Keihin Carburetor Rebuild Guide

1997-2000 Honda CR250 Carburetor Rebuild
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Keihin carburetor rebuild

This is a detailed walk-through of how to service or rebuild your 1997-2000 Honda CR250 Carburetor.

1997-2000 Honda CR250 Carburetor Rebuild

The 1997/1998 Honda CR250 model years used the Keihin PJ28L, and the 1999/2000 Honda CR250 model years used the Keihin PWK00.

*For the 2001 model year, Honda switched to the Mikuni TMX 11a, which is not covered in this rebuild.

There are a few differences in carb jetting between these models, but the most significant difference is that the PJ28L had the electronic power jet solenoid option. If your carburetor does not have a power jet solenoid, everything else in this service guide still applies.

Usually, I would include a step-by-step walk-through with pictures for you to follow along with.  However, servicing this carburetor is very easy and does not require much technical knowledge.  I have provided the carburetor specifications in the table below, the service notes, and the original walk-through video.

Once you are done, your carburetor should flow freely, so you will need to tune it back to its normal operating level. Oh, hey, look, a handy 2-stroke carburetor tuning guide.

Carburetor Service Tool List

  • Philips screwdriver
  • 6mm socket
  • 17mm socket
  • Small flat-head screwdriver
  • Needle-Nose pliers
  • Carburetor Cleaner → https://amzn.to/3DORy3i
  • Safety Glasses → https://bulltru.com
  • Soft bristle toothbrush
  • Clean rag
  • Hands

Carburetor Replacement Parts List

*The parts listed below are commonly replaced when servicing a carburetor.

Keihin PJ28L Parts

  • Vent and Drain Hoses – 16199-KZ3-B10
  • Throttle Spring – 16050-KA5-691
  • Throttle Assembly – 16022-KZ3-690
  • Float – 16013-HA2-671
  • Float Valve – 16011-KA3-741
  • Choke Idle Knob – 16046-KS7-004

Keihin PWK00a/b Parts

  • Vent and Drain Hoses – 16199-KZ3-J11
  • Throttle Spring – 16050-KZ3-J11
  • Throttle Assembly – 16022-KZ3-J11
  • Float – 16013-HA2-671
  • Float Valve – 16011-KZ3-J11
  • Choke Idle Knob – 16046-KZ3-J11

You Can Get Parts And Tools Through Here → https://amzn.to/4h4lDKq

Before you work on your carburetor, ensure your work surface is clean!

Related: This is how to rebuild the swingarm bearings on your 97-01 CR250.

Carburetor Rebuild & Service Notes

  • When removing the throttle valve from the carburetor, avoid damaging the needle.
  • When loosening the bowl screws, make sure the head is clean, and you can get a good bite with the screwdriver.  You may want to hit the screws with some anti-seize before you try removing them.
  • The same applies to the power jet solenoid screws.
  • When removing the bowl, keep the carburetor straight and upside down to avoid damaging the float jet if it falls off.
  • If the main and slow jets are stuck, soak them with anti-seize. If the jet breaks off in the carb body, it will be very difficult to remove.
  • The gasket set containing the bowl, bowl plug, power jet solenoid, and cap O-ring is no longer in production for the ’97/’98 Keihin PF28L.  You must reuse these O-rings, so be careful about removing them.
  • Carburetor Cleaning
    • Clean the carburetor with carb cleaner, NOT all-purpose parts cleaner.  All-purpose parts cleaners contain chemicals that will damage the rubber O-rings if residue remains.
    • To avoid scoring, use a SOFT bristle brush when scrubbing the carburetor bore and body.
    • Always wear safety glasses; carburetor cleaner stings like you would not F*****G believe!
    • Never use water; it can get into small places in the carburetor body and stay there until you install it and run it.
    • If debris is stuck in the small parts of the body, use compressed air to remove it.

Click Here To Open The Carburetor Tuning Specifications In a New Window

  • Remember to turn in the Pilot Air Screw until it is lightly seated in the body. Count the number of turns and write down the number for installation.
  • If the spring does not come out with the pilot air screw, retrieve it with something metal, NOT a toothpick or anything else that can break off.
  • When installing the slow jet power jet, only tighten them so they are snug in the body
  • When installing the main jet, do not use a ratchet or wrench. Take the 6mm socket and extension and tighten the jet until snug.
  • If you need to repair the bowl O-ring with RTV, youmusto let it cure before filling the carb with gasoline.
  • You may want to remove the airbox retaining bolts when installing the carburetor to give you more wiggle room.

If you have any questions or anything to add, please leave them in the comments or on our Facebook page!

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